Your April 2022 Magic Seeds

We are super excited to introduce you to this month's Magic Seeds, a washed processed lot from the Kirorero washing station in the western province of Rwanda. We have plenty to say about that, but first let's take a look at our new Daily Drinker.
This month we launched our new Daily Drinker blend, which we created to give you a consistent experience month after month while improving our social impact and sustainability. This blend is made of coffees from communities we featured in the past. We will continue to cover this in more detail each month as we return with your new morning ritual; one that gives you great coffee you can love, everyday.
In the cup we first experience a ton of malty chocolate with a rich and syrupy body. Those flavors open up to reveal sweet dark berries and a faint tropical fruit funkiness with hints of papaya and guava.
drying beds at the Kirorero washing station
Your Magic Seeds for this month come from the Kirorero washing station in the area of Boneza and Musasa. It is a lot comprise of over 2,000 smallholder farms growing Bourbon, Jackson and Mbirizi varieties. Within this group there are about 800 women farmers supporting their families.
This washing station is one of 50 within the COOPAC cooperative, which was founded in 2001 with only 110 members. The group has now grown to include 8,000 families. This lot was separated as a microlot due to outstanding cup quality.
We find this coffee to be incredibly vibrant and complex. Up front we see a lot of tart fruit flavors including strawberry, green apple and most notably, lime zest. The cup continues to open up into floral notes which reminded us of rose blossoms. While it is the vibrant and bright flavors that take the lead, this coffee is still well structured with a rich body and enough sweetness to support the complexity. A major piece of this structure is an herbal note that carries through; resolving into white pepper as the cup cools.
This coffee is ready to launch you on bright spring mornings and carry you through an adventurous day.
We hope that you have loved this month's award winning Magic Seeds and look forward to sharing another exceptional experience with you next month.
image provided by Café Imports